Sunday, July 26, 2009

Chemo has started

Mom started chemo last Friday, she was in the hospital for 8 1/2 hours. Considering that she started the day out with a dose of radiation and then sat in one place for the next 7 hours with toxic chemicals being poored into her body, she did well. It is now Sunday morning and she is starting to feel the side effects. She is VERY nauseous and the swelling in her throat is not allowing her to eat solids. She is cranky and wants to be left alone. I feel so helpless...........
Her doctor prescribed anti-naseu pills which cost (are you ready for this one) $1,300 for a one month supply. She chose to only buy 10 at a time hoping she can squeeze through without having to spend the money. Considering how today is going I think she will find the money and be living on those.

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